- a wonderful concert with a big orchestra "What a great event - I got autographs right away," said a student from Orientierungsstufe 5 on 11.02.2025. On this day, the orchestra of the Theater Plauen Zwickau - the "Clara Schumann Philharmonic Orchestra" under the direction of Michael Konstantin - came to the building for a wonderful concert with film music [...].

Santa Claus is coming

A little change from St. Nicholas Day. Every pupil with a Christmas outfit and Christmas mug was able to pick up a children's punch and a small treat from our lovely St. Nicholas. This is the perfect way to get in the mood for Christmas.

Spooky school day

The IOM was transformed into a haunted house. Cobwebs in the corridors, glowing pumpkins, skeleton figures and ghost dummies immersed the pupils in a spooky atmosphere. Bravely disguised ghosts, witches and other creatures were rewarded with extra sour treats.

Turning against polio

The Rotary Club of Zwickau/ Glauchau would like to thank all the hard-working collectors for the donation of approx. 110,000 caps, which will enable 660 vaccinations against polio.

Fancy South America?

Are you between 15 and 18 years old and interested in South America/Chile? Then you can find all the information about the student exchange here. The closing date for applications is November 15, 2024. Student exchange costs Application form Student exchange info

Experience Industry Up Close

In the first two weeks of September 2024, year 8 students were able to get a taste of industry. Four areas were made tangible for everyone. In robotics, small industrial robots were programmed and tested. Virtual welding offered the opportunity to try out various welding tasks in virtual space without the risk of injury. In the CNC area, after a short training phase, the students were allowed to [...]

FIT FOR FUTURE- FIT FOR LIFE- Money rules the World

The Saxon tax offices offer schools in their region lessons on the subject of "taxes" under the motto "Tax office goes to school". The aim is to convey the meaning and purpose of taxes to the taxpayers of tomorrow. The focus is on the message "Paying taxes makes sense - without taxes there is no community for the benefit of all". On […]

“What little Hans doesn’t learn … wind instrument class live – ready – steady – go”

In grades five and six, the students were allowed to take part in an instrument carousel during the project days. 30 new music-loving children found the passion to learn a new instrument. We are super excited and the first rehearsals are already taking place. Everyone is diligently practicing the first notes and will be playing their first instrument by the Advent singing event on December 10, 2024 at the latest.

Genial Social Certificate

Today we received the certificate from the Genial Sozial campaign from the end of the last school year. The students and of course the parents of AK26a and AK26b, with a total of 40 participating students, raised a total of €1,806.00 in donations! This year, among other things, social projects in Cameroon, Sierra Leone [...]


We wish all graduates all the best for what comes after the IOM. Whether it is vocational training or one or the other will continue to go to school. Don't forget us and visit us at the IOM from time to time. The Open Day on 31.01.2025 would be a good time to do so. [...]

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